P-Dubb Mancini is one of the trailblazing leaders of the underground entertainment community, and its well on his was to stardom. Not only does he rap he is a multitalented force to be wrecking with. His track record is from an amateur, he has done songs with the likes of Juelz Santana (Dipset/Skull gang) , Fam Lay ( Star trak), Arlis Michaels , Wale , Stack Bundles , Chris Deshield, Gillie da kid just to name a few. Throughout the year s he has persistently and efficiently pursues his rap career with countless mix tapes appearances and tours in foreign countries (Canada). Born in Liberia, P-Dubb has faced more than his share of tragedy. P-Dubb first hand witness his father and brother been murder, after that traumatic experience P-Dubb and the rest of his remaining family move to the u.s where he found his true passion in life, which is musically entertaining the masses .
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