O$T was born in Monrovia, Liberia, because of a civil War in his country his family had to move to the United States for safety in 1996 where is family stay till now, he fell in love with music at a very young age of 12, then move to Minnesota early 2000, and in  2009 after coming home from jail he dropped his first solo song, he then went on to work with BIG Names artist such as Flex, Tusee, D12, Rowpaper coz, Phil Cesar, Pakanah, Rich Goone, G.O.D-D, Holy Moe and the list goes on, and he has a joint project with one of the biggest producer Shine D’Beast set to drop this year call “THE VIBES” he have a couple of singles he drop in 2020 that got the street going crazy, few of his favorite artist are 2pac, Nas, LL cool J, 50 cent, G.O.D-D, and Skule, O$T smooth rhymes and hypnotic flows mix with his international Vibes,  makes O$T, one of the best thing coming out of Africa, and Liberia right now
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تقرير التعليق
تم حذف تقرير التعليق بنجاح.
الإبلاغ عن تعليق.
تم حذف تقرير المسار بنجاح.
تقرير المسار.
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Antoian Kordiyal
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United States
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