The name Afia is a girl's name of African, Ghanaian origin meaning "born on Friday Prince Sax talks about the beauty of Africa and it women. How Africa is sweet and nice, when you hear the jam you go know ham. The track
yea Tia tialalee la tia hey Tia tialalee la tia Africa lady in that kente Body so smooth more than lotion Wanna make your body my lotion Make you show me direction Wenti you do me wenti you give me make I di fall for you Di way you look me Di way you touch me ginger my body for you Di kinda shape I see nor be counterfeit Zero artificial for your body Gum gum gummm Ayegi Gum gum gummm I love di type of culture you dey show me Gum gum gummm Ayegi Gum gum gummm Pull me palmwine noo Gum gum gummm Ayegi Gum gum gummm My mind don crash e don krash ooo Gum gum gummm Ayegi Gum gum gummm
Africa nice ooo Africa sweet ooo When you hear the jam you go know ham Chocolate ooo chocolate ooo Africa women di are chocolate ooo beads on di waist oh my God My mind don crash e don puk Chocolate African women di are chocolate Melanin skin oh yeah
Slow down slow down Afia make you slow down Make you roll ham Roll ham Afia make you roll ham Make Slow down slow down Afia make you slow down Make you roll ham Roll ham Afia make you roll ham make you roll
Put me in di motion make you use me like a fool yea Compensate me I say with part two yea This your backa more than dejavu yea Girl you di make adey fool
Africa women di are all strong ooo Melanin skin be my antido Booo big more than pikato The back door too di cause trouble
Slow down slow down Afia make you slow down Make you roll ham Roll ham Afia make you roll ham Make Slow down slow down Afia make you slow down Make you roll ham Roll ham Afia make you roll ham make you roll
tialalee la tia Tia tialalee la tia hey Tia tialalee la tia hey Tia tialalee la tia tialalee la
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