Hook Everything you said was such a liiieeee I thought we were really such a viiiibbbee I can never trust you rather die All my expectations were so high (You are such a uh no 2x) (You are such a 2x) liar Verse You let me down I fell to the ground Fff and I fff and I fell to the ground Sss and it sss and it Circled around And you gimme what gimme lies all the time Money on my mind Always on the grind You and all your f.. You can never waste my time You and only you and only you and only you was on my mind All the time Gimme, gimme drugs I need, I need love I’m on, I’m on love I need, I need drugs I need this bit of that Bit of uh bit of that on my mind you was on my mind Hook Everything you said was such a liiieeee I thought we were really such a viiiibbbee I can never trust you rather die All my expectations were so high (You are such a uh no 2x) (You are such a 2x) liar Pre hook I just wanna let you know I’m just gonna hit the road I been lonely for so long Story is already told Cold like a eskimo Acting like a giskimo I been on the go Finna hit the road Part Verse You told a lie It was a lie It was a fight a tie a lie You told a lie You’re such a liar It was a lie a tie a fight Pre hook I just wanna let you know I’m just gonna hit the road I been lonely for so long Story is already told Cold like a eskimo Acting like a giskimo I been on the go Finna hit the road Yeahhhhh Part verse All I really wanted was for us to be balling All I really wanted from you was your loving Airplane mode I do not want you calling You and all your tricks and your lies had me falling Ooohhhh yeeaaahhhhh Outro You told a lie It was a lie It was a fight a tie a lie You told a lie You’re such a liar It was a lie a tie a fight
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