Stopay Stopay yeah my dator stopay ehh hen Chocolate chocolate chamo be eating la chocolate Stopay stopay yeah my dator stopay ehh hen Chocolate chocolate chamo be eating la chocolate Nigga be hating for nothing I counting la money la blessing Some man them don't like me they stressing Nigga be hating for nothing I counting la money la blessing Some man them don't like me they stressing
Stopay stopay yeah chamo be eating la chocolate
Verse 1:
Back to the i'm the beat i'm beast Cutting la one them to piece My dator i ready to preach My pekin don't play with the beast If you try me i'll make you to hitch
La man be thinking they gangster My dator just pass me la pistol My pekin you got me so piss off Lt city but shout out to christoph yea na I meet la jue here from harper wocho She na know me i trapper Yeah i be praying to glaper I Beg you don't step on my slipper La chamo na want you don't beg her This time jue them be bluffing with makeup I beg you don't step on my slipper But yeah shout out to christoph Yeah i be chilling with man dem Counting la money la blessing La man dem don't Like me they stressing Me ni me ni ma ni mo Catch la rabbit by it tales Please don't let that rabbit go Chasing la money for sure
Verse 2:
My **** don't play with my voodoo Yeah shout out to zulu Shawty Be Shaking her ukwu Watching that **** on la hulu My **** don't play with my voodoo Yeah shout out to zulu Watching that shawty on la hulu Shawty be shaking her uwku Making la chamo to pupu Vibe vibe vibe vibe Vibe vibe vibe vibe Vibe vibe vibe
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