A captivating singer/songwriter, Mz Menneh is a passionate, soulful, Liberian Traditional Female Artist who takes listeners on a journey through a musical world where freedom and joy balance sorrow and injustice. Her lyrics, reflective of her African roots, embrace the essence of traditional and cultural life in Liberia and the African perspective. She hit the music scene back in 2012 and has been going strong since, with hits like ZOMOH and BEST FROM NIMBA. She also had the chance to work with the late Quincy B (before his passing on her hit TUMOH), the Legendary Professor Jones Dopoe, 2C, and Bucky Raw to name a few. In April 2017 she was the first International Liberian Artist, to be brought from the United States for a live performance at Destiny Entertainment Center in Liberia for a cultural extravaganza alongside the Coalition Band. During that same trip Mz Menneh performed at another show in Ganta with Liberian Rapper Co.Z and others. Mz Menneh has steadily blazed trails in this industry, earning many firsts as a Liberian Artist. In November 2017, she had the pleasure of being the first Liberian to perform at the Hollywood & African Prestigious Awards (HAPAwards). Mz Menneh and her entire team!! The dancers and personal film crew were all brought to the Portuguese Hall in Edmonton, Canada by Show Biz International. Mz Menneh later became the first Liberian artist to win a HAPAward in November 2019. She has many awards and recognitions to her credit including the most prestigious Liberia Music Award for the best Traditional Artist in 2017 and a nomination by Tunes Liberia for the best Liberian Traditional Artist in 2018. Mz Menneh released her debut album on June 1, 2019 entitled Country Geh. The album was selected out of hundreds to be placed on the State of Minnesota Library website. She is currently working on launching her clothing line, Country Geh, in July 2020.
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