iLL PHiLL is a Rap artist based in the U.S. He was conceived by Liberian immigrants who fled their homeland, to escape the country's civil war during the late 80's early 90's. His parents settled in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was born and raised. He is the youngest of five children and the only one in his family involved with music. iLL PHiLL realized his talent for writing in grade school and watched it blossom during his teen years. He was always recognized by his peers for writing inspirational quotes; so much that many of them kept suggesting that he write music. It wasn't until the age of 21 that he decided to start his career as a musician.
Growing up iLL PHiLL (Philip Dahn) wasn't much of a music head. His goal and ambition growing up was to be a police officer. Diving into the world of music was something new for him so he had to crawl before he walked. Early on, his mentors were Liberian artists Rawpekin, Alvin Soeh, and Tru Storry. By the time he got his feet wet in the game his musical inspiration was Nigerian Afrobeat Rap artist Ice Prince.
iLL PHiLL's style of music is versatile, but Rap is his core. He has collaborated with a number of undrerground artists like himself, merging his style with theirs, to create new and intriguing sounds. With his constant work and push, iLL PHiLL was nominated for the 2014 Liberian Music Awards (LMA) "New Artist of the Year" award in the U.S. Although his nomination did not result in a win it was a driving force for him to keep pushing.
As he continues his music journey iLL PHiLL envisions solidifying his place in the world as one of Liberia's best artists. And to also inspire those who have a dream to chase it no matter what the challenges may be.
Status: Active (2012-Present) Label: UNSIGNED Management: John Gweh
Twitter @ill_p_lib Instagram @illphillmusic Facebook: ILL PHILL MUSIC PAGE
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